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Quarter One: 
Introduction to ELA 8B
Media Release
Tech Use Permission
Super Secret Info Parent letter
Super Secret Info Student letter
Figurative Language Search "MDG"
Audio of "Most Dangerous Game"
Text of "Most Dangerous Game"
Video of "Most Dangerous Game" (1932 )
Link to Quizlet review of "Most Dangerous Game" vocabulary
Link to Quizlet review of "Most Dangerous Game" for test
Grading Guide for Utopia Project
Grading Guide for Utopia Presentation                         
Quarter Two: 
The Giver Utopia Project
The Giver Utopia Project Grading Guide
The Giver Pre-Reading Fishbowl
The Giver Fishbowl slides
The Giver Fishbowl audience notesheets
The Giver movie/book assignment
The Giver Group Proposal Contract
The Giver Role Descriptions Guide
The Giver Guided Project
The Giver Chapter by Chapter Slideshow review
The Giver updated Essay Grading Guide
The Giver updated Presentation Grading Guide
The Giver "Literary Terms Points Buy Back"
The Giver Prezi on Foreshadowing and Flashback
The Giver Prezi on Symbolism, Simile, Metaphor and Personification
The Giver Imagery Review (only use the free part)
The Giver Dialogue Review (sample quotes)
Quarter Three:
Credo assignment
Credo example presentation
Steve Job's Commencement Speech
Angela Duckworth's Grit TED Talk
Sam Harris: Science Can Answer Moral Questions
Credo grading guide
Credo presentation grading guide
The Outsiders Overview
The Outsiders Claims for Analysis Paper
"On the Sidewalk Bleeding" Example
Zootopia Easter Egg Hunt for students
Zootopia Teacher's Guide
Zootopia Student Viewing Guide
Quarter Four:
Digital Portfolios and Passion Projects Assignment Sheet
My Sample Digital Portfolio (set yours up like this!)
Book Review Guidelines
Website Requirements/Grading Guide
Alternate End of Year Webquest

Sign Up to Listen to The giver

Passion Project Due Dates:


Book review: submitted via Google Classroom by May 5


Project Parameters: completed IN-CLASS on May 9


Project 1 Check-In on May 16


Project 2 Check-In on May 22


Project 3 Check in on May 26




*Presentation Dates will be announced. Parents wishing to attend, please notify me so I can schedule your child! 

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