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Amber does workshops, half or full day sessions, and speaking engagements on Project Based Learning, Differentiation, Danielson's Domains and APPR, implementing CCLS without losing creativty, or can create content for your needs.

Amber writes for magazines, newspapers, and does guest blogs. She covers the full range of education topics. Her writing is conversational and authentic, drawing from her nearly 20 years in education. If there is a topic that you'd like Amber to tackle, she'll work within your time constraints.

Amber has served on school review teams, state and national standards review panels, and directly with Fordham, ShareMyLesson, and the AFT. Short or long term consulting  is possible, with site visits or remote communication. Full recommendations and implementation plans available.




Click above for Amber's ShareMyLesson Virtual Conference Webinar on Project Based Learning. Amber is a Partner.


Click above for samples of Amber's writing. 

Click above to read testimonials about Amber's consulting and writing.

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