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Welcome to Mrs. Chandler's ELA Workshop*

*In a workshop, you think, build, create, collaborate, and produce one-of-a-kind products.

Flexible Seating is perfect for kiddos of all ages. It is simply developmentally impossible for some students to "sit quietly in rows" all day.

Flexible Seating

A generous grant from NoVo Foundation Innovation Fund is paying to implement Flexible Seating in our classroom. Check out our photos, student opinions and see what it's like to find a seat that matches what you need! 




This is a paperless classroom that uses Chromebooks, apps, phones, and Google Classroom to share the awesome things happening in my class.

Forms and Links

Room 255 is mostly a paperless classroom, so you'll hand in assignments via Google Classroom. The Forms and Links page will give you all the information you need to know to be successful. If you don't see it, ask!

Project based learning is at the heart of a flexible classroom. There's not homework, but there are learning experiences always happening!


Most of the learning in 255 is Project Based. That means you'll continually be working, but I don't assign homework. You'll need to see me during studyhall, get libary passes, or stay 13th period for extra work time. 

May 28

Cheesecake, figs, and pinot noir.


Click here for: PBL: Pandemic Style

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